“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

We are delighted to announce that our lawyer Anna Tönies-Bambalska successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 17 June 2024. The topic of the dissertation is Legal protection againt the misuse of information in capital markets under Bulgarion and German law. A comparative analysis of two legal systems.” The academic paper provides a detailed review of the historical development of the capital markets in both countries, explains the aims and objectives of Regulation 596/20214 and compares the implementation of the European requirements in national legislation in Germany and Bulgaria.

Ms Tönies-Bambalska was honoured by the NBU University in Sofia, Bulgaria, for her outstanding achievements and valuable academic contribution to the development of Bulgarian capital market law in Bulgaria.

Ms Tönies-Bambalska expressed her special appreciation to Prof. Dr Staudinger and Prof. Dr V. Dimitrov, who have supported her academic work in the field of international business law for many years.

If you are interested in the individual legal issues of the dissertation, we look forward to any professional and scientific exchange with you.

Yours oikon LAW